Wednesday, June 11, 2008

this blogging thing ...

Okay ... so its my fourth post ... ive been welcomed into this wonderful world by my youngest brother Craig ... but before I go on lemme let u know I did break ... I had another cig (4 to be exact) ... but hey at least im cutting down ... think I have a solution ... over the next few days Im gonna take like a max of 5 with me to work ... just try and reduce my nicotene intake till I can go for longer than 8 hours without desperately wanting one lol ...

Now back to Craig ... he has an interesting post up about physical/mental health and doctors opinions on what is wrong and how to fix it ... you can find this here ...

Based on his findings I have my own comments to relay ...

I have been on Cipralex now for almost 6 months ... its a daily intake and I must admit it totally helps me to avoid anxiety attacks as Craig has been experiencing ... about 2 years ago I was on the same thing for shortly over a year after experiencing a major panic attack which resulted in me being admitted to hopsital for 5 days ...

the thing is anxiety is like a leaky tap ... for most of your life you never really know its there ... then one day you have this major anxiety attack and from then on you just 'know' that anxiety exists ... so like a leaky tap you may be able to go on thru life without any hassles and the leak is manageable ... but the thing is the tap is never again fully closed ... you always know its there and it drips drips drips just waiting for that time (who knows when) that suddenly the leak will burst and out flows the panic yu have been so desperately trying to contain ...

Maybe thats my issue ... I put so much effort into containing it I dont spose I actually ever let it go ... then again ... maybe I need to get a hot chiro and a masseuse (sp) to give me a rub down. ;)

till next time

dont be a fool ... wrap your tool


Craig said...

I disagree with doctors method of hiding the problem rather that correcting it from the source.
A lot of doctors are investing in the "product" they "sell".

After experiencing my first attack, it was like i was more afraid if it happening again more than anything else, which made me anxious, then scared. cos i start asking .. "what if it happens while im out?" and "what if people are like this and that?".. And u sit and ponder until u have worked it up to much to go forth. then weeks later ur too afriad to even meet new people, twitching at the site of socializing. Until ...adrenalin kicks in.paranoia, closterphobia, questioning my own mind, is this real? am i hulicenating, am i going crazy? I just want to be fucking normal. And what is normal?... its frightening. what if it happens while im on a plane, or not in control?

life shouldn't be so much about the future and past. Disguising now with pills isnt solving anything. and its affects are harmful, harmful to ones personality, health, way of life, morals and ethics. I would rather take this anxiety shit head on now that im feeling more relaxed. And to think, a skew neck can cause so much issues.

Oh and one other, smoking makes it far more difficult to handle anxiety.

But then again. poeple handle situations differently. I know peeps that live on anti-depressants, they have for 6 years. they are truly fucked up. unfortunately. GEt on the drugs, sort yourself out, and get off.

Exercise(endorphins), stop smoking(breathing), eat healthy(long life), masseuse, green tea, no caffeine, acupuncture etcetc . And best one of all. relax. :)

Craig said...

Alternatives ways to soothe the mind:
listen to jack johnson.
green tea

Just a few.. Maybe I should post on this.